Hello, just to start off, im excited to say that The Last Ninja is in its submissions stages and ready for the project to get picked up in the next month or so... Sam is doing a great job and love our partnership together...
So this week also comes with some bad news, Parallel Dilemma, which is the first comic that i wrote after switching from screenplays to comics is on a indefinate hiatis after me and artist Josh Erickson have decided to part ways. In further bad news, the anime project i helped script with Josh is going to be deleted and will be further worked from scratch by Josh with no involvement by myself. It was a nice time while it lasted, but due to our schedules, the project wasn't progressing.
But back to the good news, im currently trying to finish Explorers: The Galactic Voyage and starting to work on a project that will feature Sam again as an artist and inker...
til later